The Minnesota Professional Standards & Licensing Board (PELSB), which used to be the Board of Teaching, is attempting to cut in half the pedagogy training required for teacher licensure in Minnesota, prioritizes social narrative "responsiveness" training, instead. The Executive Branch has been lax about operating within the rules and the attempt is plagued with faults, including being without valid basis of authorization, failing to meet notice requirements, and otherwise acutely violating of Chapter 14 of the Minnesota Statutes. As we have clear grounds to raise the issues of the invalidity of this attempted rulemaking (R-4615) to the actual judiciary to prevent the various harms to children, families, and Minnesota from this misguided and poorly executed mistake, we ask those who would be interested in possibly strengthening the numbers assembled to oppose the PELSB trangressions in court to submit their information for our legal team's possible outreach.

Most of the current website is focused on the articulation of this currently being prepared standing for legal action, so that the public may understand such--as the press and media have been outrageously corrupted on the PELSB issue giving more misinformation and defamation than fact, generally speaking.

We are concerned about the Minnesota School Boards Association's recommendations to restrict public access and engagement of the critical local government entities that are school boards. We have been working with a group seeking to arrest these transgressions in Stillwater (ISD 834) and have helped install for them to organize, locally. We plan to be expanding communications and engagements concerning these issues throughout the State. Read more about this situation, here, and contact us about your local school board's activity in this regard, here.

Given the press/media defamation of the public who have voiced concerns about the harms of the PELSB proposal, we are considered forcing papers such as the Star Tribune into the due penality under justice for such derogatory misreporting about the facts of the debate.

Education Standards of America was founded, in considerable part, out of concerns about the Minnesota Department of Education's proposed Social Studies Standards rulemaking, which has been considerably discussed on our site.

Website content will reapproach the issue upon or in preparations with respect to the forthcoming further Department of Education pronouncements of such Social Studies plans expected in early 2023.

The rulemakings from the Department of Education for the other academic subject-areas will, also, be addressed given.

Core, foundational violations in the proposals from this Administration may be dealt at the root, probably by litigation, either starting with PELSB litigation or, possibly, against the Social Studies rulemakings' violations, to achieve cross-agency policy corrections to end discriminatory and harmful policies and to restore true education prerogatives where they belong.

We are facilitating greater grassroots actions to local and State government agencies and elected officials to improve access and engagement of parents and communities with educational instutions and authorities. This includes letters to PELSB and Governor Walz (regarding veto power over the PELSB rulemaking (R-4615)), which you can personalize.

See the Action center, which will facilitate a growign number of state-of-the-art tools to engage policymakers and decisionmakers on education matters.

We are monitoring and researching legislative proposals and provide briefings and action campaigns related to such throughout the legislative sessions.

We have number of legislative matters under research, analysis, and development. Including certain potential proposals.

We are looking into problems at the intersection of labor law and educational establishment corruption and dysfunction.

Read more about Education Standards of America on the About page.