PELSB did not give teachers the opportunity to comment on how this would impact them, first of all, as they have outrageously denied there is an impact, from which they have retreated, somewhat.
The fact is that the Minnesota Statutes control there is an impact to current teachers--they can be fired, not renewed, demoted, et cetera on the basis of being measured to these policies PELSB is improperly seeking to impose outside of the lawful process.
Was PELSB ignorant of this when it started this rulemaking? Was it, instead, the idea of the union or Department of Education to use PELSB to implement this rulemaking to go after teachers who refused to preach discriminatory ideology demanded of "cultural" authorities, et cetera?
Regardless of whose idea it was, teachers would be vulnerable to seemingly legal discrimination for not preaching make believe social justice narratives.
Moreover, these standards are vague, and could be used to fire any teacher targeted, regardless of whether or not they are "on the boat."
A final summary point is that PELSB is overtly racially prejudiced, openly declaring that regarding the impact to the supply of teacher candidates of this rulemaking proposal, PELSB is happy if this rulemaking were only to increase nonwhite teachers. Furthermore, PELSB overtly says that a nonwhite teacher is, in its view, a better teacher than a white teacher.